Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

Directed by: Nathan Juran
Length: 72 Minutes
Rated: NR
Allison Hayes
William Hudson

News and Reviews

A bald humanoid alien giant lands on Earth in the desert, and hijacks a young woman driver (Hayes). He accidentally alteres her genetic balance and she begins to grow - to the consternation of a clutch of doctors who are unable to help her. Despite the corniness of Hanna's screenplay and Juran's pladding direction her size does have a curious fascination but her accelerating growth-rate does little for her mental balance and, when she finds her husband carrying on with another woman (Vickers), she squeezes them to death. Her jealously and size cannot go unchecked and the sheriff arrives to kill her with a riot gun. The special effects are dire- for the most part the 50-foot woman is represented by her oversized hand. - Overook Film Encyclopedia

Women's Lib should embrace this cheapie as a determined dame rises above the men in her life; men wil be intrigued by the largest breasts in the world towering above them. This has earned cult status as an incompetent example of '50s sci-fi but should be viewed from a modern perspective as a metaphor for womans revenge. - Creature Features

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Attack of the 50 Foot Woman - Links Scifimovies Page:Attack of the 50 Foot Woman

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E-Online Fact Sheet

Attack of the 50' Woman Lab
Hows your geometry? Dust off that calculator and get busy! Is she really a threat???

Science Vixens - Ode to a 50 Foot Woman
A tribute to Allison Hayes, one of the best "Science Vixens" of the 50's.

Chrysler Imperial Online Club
Lists references to the 1958 Chrysler Imperial that's used in the movies. The site also lists other movies which showcase the Imperial!

Review - Attack of the 50' Woman
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