Friday, February 21, 2025
Welcome to the Hometheater page at Scifimovies.Com
Here you'll find all the info
on sci-fi movies available for your home viewing pleasure. When you think of Sci Fi Movies, think Scifimovies.Com!
Artificial Inteligence: A.I.(2001)
Steven Spielberg directed this classic from last year, picking it up after the passing of
Stanley Kubrick in 1999. David (aka Pinocchio) searches for his identity in a not-so-distant world. The film just
came out on dvd March 5th, and is packed full of extras.
For more info about the movie you can check out the A.I. page for Cast, Photos, Links, etc...
or you might want to visit Amazon.Com for more technical details about this release.
Jet Li: The One
(Special Edition) (2001)
Release Date: March 5, 2002
Li plays a renegade from the Multiverse Agency, illegally traveling through "quantum tunnels" to eliminate all versions of himself
until only two remain, each sharing the cumulative strength of their "parallel universe versions."
Now Available on VHS and DVD from Amazon.Com
Star Wars Episode I
The Phantom Menace (1999)
Buy it Now!
National Geographic Beyond the Movie
The Lord of the Rings (2001)
Buy it Now!
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension
(Special Edition) (1984)
Buy it Now!
(20th Anniversary Collector's Edition) (1982)
Buy it Now!
First Men in the Moon (1964)
H.G. Wells' classic tale about an inventor at the turn of the century who flies to the moon. With special effects by
Ray Harryhausen, this is a definite screen gem worth seeing. It is currently out on VHS, but we'd recommend waiting for the DVD due out later this month.
Cast, credits, storyline, links...
Star Trek: The Next Generation
The Complete Fist Season Gift Set (1988)
Release Date: March 26, 2002
Pre-Order Now!
1999 Releases
Classic Serials
My Personal Collection
Classics from the 50's
Hits from '84
Hits (mostly) from '85